A Little Bit Of What I Know About Pomeranians

 The Pomeranian was named such because some woman from Pomerania named them that. Where is Pomerania? It's probably between itself and some other country...Let me get back to you on that.
The first dogs of this breed were a much larger size and were used as livestock dogs. Their original name was wolfspitz which literally means coles basket and they were affectionately popularised in ancient Greece and later they became one of the favourite dogs of the women of Iran. Mostly because they had not yet discovered the 'Real Housewives of Bosnia' or some such show.

Weighing around 2 to 3 kilograms the current standard of  the breed is between 1 to 8 therefore as we stated they are toy or miniature dogs with quite long fur. 

It is essential to brush them regularly.

The puppy type is very popular. This short haired cut gives them a sweet look. Also their fur does not produce allergies because it is hypoallergenic. Even on the base model.

Accepted colours of a Pomeranian are mainly black brown white and orange and it is said that other colours can also be included.

The great variety of colours is really fascinating.

They have medium sized eyes, which they use for seeing and watching.

The Pomeranian has long lost their instincts as a cattle dog and they are very affectionate lap dogs who hate being alone and lack of affection. 

The intelligent and even curious Pomeranian is a perfect dog for very different families but you must be clear on something before a dog that requires constant attention and time from you.

Pomeranian can be very vocal and bark a lot so be prepared.

Bad dealings with children have marred enormously over the past few generations.
It is important to teach children how to treat them in a positive way and never to hurt them.
Just brush them regularly to remove the dirt from their appearance and also take care and clean up any discharge during molting.

You must provide them with a jacket to go for a walk when it's cold.

Use exercise and walks as a way to stimulate their mind.

Over time they can become overly spoilt. We must be firm in training and education and set some guidelines before adopting one.

When and where to eat are important factor to make your new Pomeranian feel comfortable in your home. 

During the puppy stage we are actively practicing and teaching SOCIALISATION in which we teach your dog to relate to people, children, dogs, cats, vacuum cleanners, drones, fireworks, thunder storms  and Netflix.

Eventually you will teach them to 'lie down' or 'stand still' and these commands will be basic for their safety with one another. 

Train your Pomeranian to apply advanced commands and funny pranks and you will have no problem getting them to bathe now and again unless they get very dirty everyday.
